Saturday 31 October 2009

More E2BN - Inspired by anti slavery campaigner, Thomas Clarkson. It provides a toll for KS2 children to build up evidence , argument and description of a historical event or person by children being able to create their own virtual discovery box. Great for any history topic!

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Don't forget to look at all my older posts for loads and loads of inspiration!!

E2BN again.

This time a great website for ICT in the early years which is often an area difficult to find resources for. This site has loads of ideas and resources to support early years practitioners.

Another e2bn site!

War witness is a great resource for those studying everything from WWII to more recent conflicts. Find it at

Fantastic websites from E2BN

The purpose of the 'cook it' website is to improve children's knowledge and understanding and of course enjoyment of food. There is a wide range of teaching resources including a recipe section, cook it creator where children can make their own food TV show and also a recipe creator where children can create instructions with photos as a cross curricular link with literacy.

Here is the 'cook it creator' kitchen. Try it youself at:

Sunday 25 October 2009


Due to the security settings on my new work laptop I have been unable to update recently but please still click on the ads for me. I am trying to resolve the problem asap!