Sunday 15 November 2009

Tudor display

These Tudor houses look fantastic to display!

Saturday 31 October 2009

More E2BN - Inspired by anti slavery campaigner, Thomas Clarkson. It provides a toll for KS2 children to build up evidence , argument and description of a historical event or person by children being able to create their own virtual discovery box. Great for any history topic!

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Don't forget to look at all my older posts for loads and loads of inspiration!!

E2BN again.

This time a great website for ICT in the early years which is often an area difficult to find resources for. This site has loads of ideas and resources to support early years practitioners.

Another e2bn site!

War witness is a great resource for those studying everything from WWII to more recent conflicts. Find it at

Fantastic websites from E2BN

The purpose of the 'cook it' website is to improve children's knowledge and understanding and of course enjoyment of food. There is a wide range of teaching resources including a recipe section, cook it creator where children can make their own food TV show and also a recipe creator where children can create instructions with photos as a cross curricular link with literacy.

Here is the 'cook it creator' kitchen. Try it youself at:

Sunday 25 October 2009


Due to the security settings on my new work laptop I have been unable to update recently but please still click on the ads for me. I am trying to resolve the problem asap!

Saturday 5 September 2009

Hello everyone, and welcome to the new term! I hope you and your class have settled in well, I'm not sure who was more tired at the end of last the week, me or my Year 1s. I'm hoping to include lots of exciting and useful things on my blog this year and expand the number of people looking at it. Please let your teacher chums know about it and please keep clicking the ads so that I can raise money for my charity trek to Nepal next year.

Lynn x

Friday 24 July 2009

Don't forget to look in the archive for useful resources, particularly if this is the first time you have seen my blog! There is loads of useful stuff!

Have a lovely summer holiday, don't forget to visit my blog in september!

Friday 10 July 2009

Two stars and a wish!

Using 2 stars and a wish is a great way of marking for both infants and juniors and there are lots of resources available online to support it. The one above is from Sparklebox. (

The strategy of ‘Two stars and a wish’ was aims to encourage the children to reflect on their own and each other’s learning. It promotes peer assessment as well as both children and teachers can adopt the technique.
The ‘two stars’ in the strategy form the positive feedback on a piece of work and the ‘wish’ indicates where development could be made. Children can assess their own work by giving themselves ‘stars’ and ‘wishes’ or they can give feedback on another child’s work. The strategy can be flexible and allows the children to sometimes give only one star or no wish.
You can also get rubber stamps to help with marking, this one can be found at:

Thursday 2 July 2009

Thanks to my friend Lisa for this one!

Look at all the stuff you can download, I can see you're salivating already....

Monday 29 June 2009

Explore the world from your whiteboard!

Global Explorers is a fantastic, interactive whiteboard resource for primary schools.
It features fascinating facts, quizzes, video footage, photos, lesson plans, worksheets and the real-life stories of children all over the world.

This resource is ideal for cross-curricular teaching. It encourages active learning and stimulates thinking about global issues.

Global Explorers covers the following themes:
climate change
comparing lives
active citizenship
access to food
healthy eating
what influences how Christian people act
the work of a faith-based charity

Wednesday 24 June 2009

The BBC's Stay Safe site explains to children how you stay safe on the Internet and also has links to other sites which promote safety and well being for children such as childline.
This site could be a useful starter for a scheme of work about using the Internet.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Teaching ICT

This site is dedicated to teaching ICT at all levels. Students will find revision notes to learn your ICT subject along with plenty of quizzes, competitions, polls to keep things interesting. Teachers will find starters and plenaries along with Schemes of Work ( SoW) , lesson ideas and tons of free material. Revision resources for every level are available.
I particularly like the video tutorials section! View at:

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Just for Fun!

This Dutch website is great to share with your class! It takes a while to load but it will be worth the wait and I'm sure that you'll be surprised!

Monday 15 June 2009

Lots of useful teacher stuff! Including hundreds of good quality classroom resources.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Here is one of my Egyptian displays, focusing on using non-fiction books - key words were obtained from

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Writing Fun!

This site is great for all aspects of writing as it gives children the structure they need in order to write in a particular genre. I'd actually forgotten about it until I was looking around for something to blog today! I was a bit miffed as I thought of lots of occasions this year where I could have used it!
For a report, for example, there is information about all the things you need to remember as well as 6 examples of work, ranging from year 2/3 standard up to year 6/7 standard.

Monday 8 June 2009

Film Street

Film Street - Everything you need to help and inspire you to use film in your classroom! This of course fits in very nicely with the Primary Framework!
There are lots of activities for children to do to find out more about how films are made. In my year group we planned a unit of work on Wall-E and the information and activities on the website really helped my class gain a better understanding of how films are put together.
Needless to say, they were very motivated and produced some fantastic work that week!
Other areas on the website include an area for teachers, news about current films and useful information on different film genre such as making a documentary.

Sunday 7 June 2009

Saturday 6 June 2009

Scratch - Free animation and control software!!

I have been having so much fun with this! I was introduced to it at an ICT subject coordinators meeting in Essex and I've just Incorporated it into our ICT planning for year 5.

The website says: Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.

Scratch is designed to help young people (ages 8 and up) develop 21st century learning skills. As they create and share Scratch projects, young people learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.
Scratch is available free of charge!

go to: for the main site for support which includes
video guides, activities for children and a getting started guide.
Here is an example of one of the 10 pdf documents you can download for use with the children. My class are loving it! They can download the program at home and make their own animations to upload to the scratch website. You can also download any animations already on the website that link with current topics that you are studying.

Friday 5 June 2009

Assemblies Website

This assemblies website is great for assemblies throughout the year for all year groups. They are also very fast at adding assemblies about recent events.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

A caption competition is always a good starter activity which promotes thinking skills as well as developing subtle humour!

Simply find a funny picture for children to think of a caption for, this activity works best with years 5 and 6.